Doctor Who is joining forces with EVE Online – one of the biggest games in the universe.
EVE Online, for those of you who don’t know, is an MMO – or, for the non-gaming among you, a Massively Multiplayer Online game, which, as the name suggests, means that lots of people can play together in a massive world – online!
In the case of EVE Online, the world in question is outer space, which is quite fitting when it comes to Doctor Who as (you may have noticed) our favourite Time Lord tends to spend a lot of time there.
As do the Daleks. Apparently, the upcoming crossover – titled ‘The Interstellar Convergence’ – will allow players to take on the metal mutants from Skaro from the comfort of their customised ships. And with this being an RPG (Role Playing Game, non-gamers!) you will be able to tailor your EVE Online character towards something a bit more Time Lordy. Indeed, the promotional art for ‘The Interstellar Convergence’ shows a female pilot in Matt Smith garb, along with a male pilot donning the iconic Fourth Doctor scarf. (But did he get it at Lovarzi…?)
Moreover, the event’s teaser trailer appears to contain one or two Easter eggs for the dedicated Whovian, showing (what looks to be) Satellite Five lying in ruins. Which is fitting, given that Satellite Five was also known as the Game Station.
And if you’ve never played EVE Online before, this could be a good jumping-on point as the game is free to play and seemingly endless in scale. In fact, it’s been around since 2003, and has won Game of the Year (in the MMORPG category) some six times, by various bodies.
Undoubtedly, the developer CCP Games is now hoping to tempt some Doctor Who fans into its universe. This latest event contains a special mission that involves tracking down artefacts from the Time War, all of which will provide clues to help players find the dreaded Daleks.
If you’re interested in joining the ride, ‘The Interstellar Convergence’ begins on Thursday 13th January and lasts until Tuesday 1st February. You can download the game for free here.
Will you be joining fellow EVE Online players for this crossover event? Let me know in the comments below.
Doctor Who scarf – order now from the Lovarzi shop!
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