Thanks so much for visiting our blog! We hope you’ll have fun here. We love Doctor Who (and scarves!) and that’s what we write about weekly – when we’re not sending 13ft scarves to the furthest corners of the universe, that is. Here you can read about all the latest news from the worlds of Who and Star Trek, as well as features, reviews and our very own LOVARZI fan fiction.
But we want to hear from you as well, so feel free to chime in with the discussion. Leave a comment on one of our blog posts, drop us an email or say hello on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. After all, how else can we decide if Peter Cushing is canon?!
What is LOVARZI?
LOVARZI was born in North Hertfordshire in 2007, with the aim of creating stylish scarves that cross borders (and universes.) We design, manufacture and sell high-quality scarves and shawls that you’ll treasure, without having to remortgage your TARDIS.
Since 2012, LOVARZI has been the official producer of the iconic Fourth Doctor scarf – a venture which has led to many other exciting pieces of merchandise, spanning everything from TARDIS Doctor Who laptop bags to Doctor Who sweaters. LOVARZI has also been awarded official licenses with a fledgling franchise known as Star Trek , as well as the world-famous Imperial War Museum in London.
In fact, you may have seen some of LOVARZI’s creations scattered throughout time and space, like a bad wolf… Actor Charlie Higson (of Fast Show fame) wore a LOVARZI scarf for his book launch, whilst the same scarf was the apparel of choice for Tom Baker (the Fourth Doctor) Lalla Ward (Romana) and John Leeson (K9) at the photo shoot for the audio versions of the Doctor Who stories The Romance of Crime and The English Way of Death, written by Gareth Roberts. Fantastic!
Meet the team

Maninder Singh Sahota
I am the owner of LOVARZI. I am mainly responsible for content planning and content strategy development for this blog. Our aim through this blog is to entertain you with content that you will love to read, listen and watch. I would love to hear your feedback or any comments you have about the brand or this blog.

Alex Skerratt
I’m the social media man and blog writer here at LOVARZI, so I’ll be your first port of call if you need help with anything or just want to chat about all-things Who (Star Wars, Blake’s 7 and Crime Traveller are also permissible topics…) In my family, I’m known as the one who dressed as the Tenth Doctor to my dad’s wedding, and as the Twelfth Doctor to my sister’s wedding – although I’ve yet to don the iconic scarf…
Drop by my website here.

Philip Bates
I’m a freelance writer whose books include The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang. I’ve worked for LOVARZI since 2012, starting with the company’s very first official Doctor Who product: the Fourth Doctor scarf. One of my fondest memories is briefly meeting the late, great Michael Pickwoad (Production Designer from A Christmas Carol to Twice Upon A Time) while manning the LOVARZI stall at 2015’s Doctor Who Festival.
I’m also the editor of The Doctor Who Companion, providing your daily fix of news, reviews, and features.

Have a question? Just want to say hello? We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line on our contact page.