‘The Pirate Planet’ was Douglas Adams’ first official contribution to the Doctor Who universe. Originally outlined in 1976, it took two years for this quirky Tom Baker story to make it to the screen, undergoing a number of radical changes. Who knew that ‘The Pirate Planet’ was originally about a renegade Time Lord?!

As we celebrate Towel Day and all-things Douglas Adams here on the Lovarzi blog, we’ve written a guest post for our friends at Blogtor Who: The Pirate Planet – 5 things you might not know. Head over there now and see what you think. You might be surprised!
In the meantime, tell us what you most love about this classic story. Does the Polyphase Avitron deserve its own Big Finish box set? And is Callufrax an underrated planet?! Let us know in the comments below!
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