The Master is returning to Big Finish! This month sees the release of the (deep breath) Doctor Who – Time Lord Victorious: Short Trips collection, which comprises of two short stories: ‘Master Thief’ and ‘Lesser Evils,’ both of which are performed by the actor and impersonator Jon Culshaw.
The adventures feature the Roger Delgado and Anthony Ainley incarnations of the villainous Time Lord, who appeared during the classic era of the show. Sadly, these actors are no longer with us, so it falls to Jon Culshaw to employ his finest vocal trickery. And judging by the Big Finish trailer, he’s done a sterling job.
Here are the official synopses for the two Short Trips.
‘Master Thief’ by Sophie Iles: The Master wants to plunder one of the most secure vaults in the universe, the Repository. He’s got a plan, and a deadly new weapon to assist him. However, as the Master quickly discovers, getting in might be easy, but getting away with it might cost him everything.
‘Lesser Evils’ by Simon Guerrier: The Kotturuh have arrived on the planet Alexis to distribute the gift of death to its inhabitants. The only person standing in their way is a renegade Time Lord, who has sworn to protect the locals. A Time Lord called the Master…

Now, the keen-eyed among you will already be familiar with the Kotturuh, as they recently appeared in the first Time Lord Victorious novel ‘The Knight, the Fool and the Dead‘ starring the Tenth Doctor. They’re a sinister species, roaming around the universe judging how long the ‘lesser races’ should be allowed to live. Nice.
Quite how the Kotturuh fit into the Time Lord Victorious arc, however, remains to be seen. Subscribers to the official Doctor Who newsletter were given a tantalising glimpse in the exclusive short story ‘The Dawn of the Kotturuh,’ but it looks like it will be down to Big Finish to provide the next piece of the puzzle.
Will you be purchasing Big Finish’s first Time Lord Victorious outing with the Master when it releases on the 7th October? And which other releases are you looking forward to in the TLV plot arc? Let me know in the comments below.

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