In 1966, Gene Roddenberry created a new television show that he pitched to television executives as "Wagon Train amongst the stars." This referred to a very popular show at the time set in the old west, where settlers travelled across a brand new America having adventures and encountering various dangers. But this new show, called Star Trek, would be set about 300 years in … [Read more...] about Star Trek: The Original Series – The Ultimate Guide
Star Trek
Rebecca Romijn: From Most Wanted to First Officer, she’s No. 1
Rebecca Romijn has had a wide variety of movie and TV roles over the past few decades, with recurring roles in Just Shoot Me (1999-2000), Ugly Betty (2007-08), NTSF:SD:SUV (2011-12) and The Librarian (2014-18). But the role she's probably best known for is that of Mystique: the sultry, blue skinned, deadly mutant terrorist in the X-Men movie franchise. Romijn played the part … [Read more...] about Rebecca Romijn: From Most Wanted to First Officer, she’s No. 1
Are the passionate Andorians the opposite of the Vulcans?
Andorians are an interesting species which, between some seven or eight Star Trek series and even more movies, haven't really gotten a lot of attention. So, I'll put them into a little bit of context by comparing them with another Star Trek species, Vulcans. Vulcans are primarily known for their logic and the suppression of and control over their emotions. Sometimes, … [Read more...] about Are the passionate Andorians the opposite of the Vulcans?
Christopher Pike: A journey through triumph before tragedy
Just how well do you know your Enterprise captains? Long time fans of Star Trek The Original Series might be well acquainted with the man who commanded the USS Enterprise before James T. Kirk. Captain Christopher Pike sat in the centre chair for an impressive 15 years before relinquishing command to accept the promotion to Fleet Captain. But any discussion about Pike always … [Read more...] about Christopher Pike: A journey through triumph before tragedy