The Cybermen have been around for a long time! Even in the modern era of Doctor Who, the metal giants from Mondas have taken many forms, and have spawned in multiple universes. When the Tenth Doctor first met them in the 2006 story ‘Rise of the Cybermen,’ they had been created on a parallel world, a branded ‘human upgrade’ instigated by the deranged John Lumic.
However, since then, the New Who Doctors have encountered the ‘real universe’ versions of these cyborgs in multiple times and places. The Twelfth Doctor even met the original Mondasians, which hadn’t been seen since the 1966 story ‘The Tenth Planet.’
Are you keeping up so far? Well there’s a lot to take in! If you want to know about the classic era of the Cybermen, we’ve got you covered in a previous blog post. For now, though, we’re going to take a look at the modern era, covering every cybernetic appearance from 2006 up to the present day – all in one handy infographic. Let’s begin…

So there we are – every Cybermen story in the history of Doctor Who. At least, for now. For more on their past stories, check out our classic era infographic.
In the meantime, tell us – which is your favourite of the modern era Cybermen stories? Are there any you haven’t seen yet? If so, which one are you most excited to view?
Thanks to Philip Bates from The Doctor Who Companion for the infographic text.

‘The Tomb of the Cybermen’ Doctor Who scarf – Order now from the Lovarzi shop!
See the latest Cyberman story in Doctor Who Series 12!
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