Are you in need of a Douglas Adams fix? His contributions to Doctor Who may be slight, and we’ve probably all watched ‘The Pirate Planet’ more times than is healthy. But how many times have you read ‘The Pirate Planet’ book? And is it any good?
Should you buy The Pirate Planet book?
Our friend Philip Bates has written an excellent review of this Douglas Adams tome over on The Doctor Who Companion. Now, the novelisation may have been written by James Goss, but these days it’s probably about as close to the authentic Adams as we’re going to get. Goss has taken the author’s original scripts and greatly expanded upon them, as Philip notes in his review…
A dynamic worthy of Jago and Litefoot? The debate begins here! Check out Philip’s full review of ‘The Pirate Planet’ book over on The Doctor Who Companion.
And let us know your thoughts as well. Is this the best novelisation of one of Adams’ stories? Or is the ‘City of Death‘ book even better? Let us know in the comments below.
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