Jodie Whittaker will face a new Doctor Who monster in Series 13, which is due to transmit this autumn.

Series 13 is just around the corner, and eagle-eyed fans have unearthed clues about a brand new Doctor Who monster that is set to debut in 2021. These clues have been hidden in the show’s official publicity materials, the first of which being the Doctor Who Series 13 trailer. If you look closely towards the end, when the official logo appears, you will see the word “/mystery” floating at the bottom of the frame.
Now, if you don’t want this mystery spoiling and want to find the new Doctor Who monster on your own, look away now!
“/mystery”, as you might have worked out, is the end part of a URL. If you head to, you will arrive on a special page which says “Welcome to a mystery across space and time. Work together to solve the hiDden clues and reveal a password below. #FindTheDoctor.”
At the same time, there is a special voice clip from Yaz. It seems to have been left on the Doctor’s mobile phone, with Yaz wanting to know where the Doctor has gone and where she should meet her.
But what does all this have to do with a new Doctor Who monster? Well, the “/mystery” landing page is the first clue in a series of clues that reveals a password on the site. The other letters (and numbers) have been scattered elsewhere in time and space, in paintings, random photos of graffiti, and on a sonic screwdriver at the London Science Museum (well, in the description that accompanies the exhibit, if you look closely…) There are other random letters and numbers hidden elsewhere, too.
For weeks, dedicated fans have been piecing these clues together in order to find the password that will unlock the mystery. And this mystery has now been solved – at least partly. With the password now having been uncovered, fans have unearthed a secret page on the website which contains the Doctor’s voicemail reply to Yaz, plus a brief clip showing what appears to be a new Doctor Who monster.

Now, there is a chance that this could be a returning villain such as a Sontaran, a Sycorax, Davros, or even a Draconian at a stretch (if you class the Draconians as baddies.) Or this could be a new Doctor Who monster altogether. Showrunner Chris Chibnall has already said that the word “swarm” will be important in Doctor Who Series 13, so whether this creature has some connection to a swarm remains to be seen.
Moreover, we have yet to learn just what kind of role this new Doctor Who monster will have in Series 13. But we do know that it will be an epic story, and indeed one of the longest in the series’ history, as the entire tale will be told over the course of six, hour-long episodes. There is also a possibility that a returning Doctor Who monster, or monsters, will be making an appearance over the course of Series 13, but no further details have been revealed as yet.
That said, we don’t have to wait much longer to see the new Doctor Who monster in action. Series 13 is set to debut in autumn 2021, meaning it is now only a matter of weeks away. This will be the last season to star Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor, as she is set to regenerate at the end of an epic special in 2022. Fans can also look forward to the arrival of the new companion Dan Lewis played by John Bishop, as well as the intriguing new character Vinder played by Jacob Anderson.

What are you most looking forward to about Series 13? And who, or what, do you think the new Doctor Who monster is? Could it be a returning baddie? Let me know in the comments below.

Thirteenth Doctor scarf – order now from the Lovarzi shop!
Looks a bit like Storr’s eyes so maybe a new Sontaran variant?
Could well be!