Is it possible to watch Doctor Who on Netflix in 2021?

Unfortunately, at the time of writing, it is not possible to watch Doctor Who on Netflix. The episodes were removed from the streaming service in 2021, and there is no word as to when they will be coming back, if ever. This is not uncommon for Netflix; programmes do disappear from time to time, and sometimes they resurface. In the meantime, if you want to get your TARDIS fix, you will have to look elsewhere.
Why was Doctor Who removed from Netflix?
Sadly, this kind of thing happens all the time. It’s not necessarily a sign of anything sinister – it’s just that programmes like Doctor Who are licensed to Netflix for limited periods, and eventually these periods expire. We’ve enjoyed many good years of Doctor Who on Netflix (and hopefully will again) but, for now, we’ll have to venture further afield.
Where can I watch Doctor Who in 2021?
So if you can’t currently watch Doctor Who on Netflix, where can you go for all your Time Lord goodness? You have several options. The best of these is probably Britbox – a vast archive of television programmes which contains all of the (existing) Doctor Who episodes from 1963 to 1996, including the Doctor Who TV movie. You can even watch animations for missing stories such as ‘The Macra Terror,’ and there are telesnap reconstructions for stories such as ‘The Wheel in Space.’
So whilst there may be no Doctor Who on Netflix currently, there is still plenty to enjoy on Britbox – some 200+ hours, in fact. But remember, this library of programmes only covers the classic era of the programme. You will have to look elsewhere if you want to watch the adventures of the Ninth Doctor onwards.
Can I watch Doctor Who on Disney Plus?
That would be incredible (if a little strange!) but no, at the time of writing, you can’t watch Doctor Who on Disney Plus. And with no Doctor Who on Netflix either, is there any hope for the good Doctor?
Well, if you’re living in the UK and have a TV license, you can enjoy all of the ‘modern’ Doctor Who episodes on the BBC iPlayer (that is, everything from 2005 onwards.) And if you want to recreate that Netflix feel, you can always stream the classic drum intro on YouTube before you start. You know you want to.
There is also the option of watching the episodes on Amazon Prime, but they are no longer available for free, so you would need to pay per download.
Is Doctor Who on HBO Max?
There might be no Doctor Who on Netflix, but if you have a HBO Max subscription, you can catch all the modern Doctor Who episodes there, right up to the game-changing episode ‘The Timeless Children,’ which first aired in 2020. This would be the perfect opportunity to bring your Who knowledge right up to date, or even re-live some of your favourite moments from the last 16 years.
At the same time, if you never saw Doctor Who on Netflix (or indeed, have never seen Doctor Who before) then the 2005 series is the perfect starting point. Jump on board with the Ninth Doctor’s very first episode ‘Rose.’
What about Doctor Who on DVD?
Of course, if watching Doctor Who on Netflix was never really your thing and you prefer to do things the more traditional way, you can always catch up with Doctor Who on DVD. Every existing episode is now available in some format, with new Blu-ray box sets being made available on a semi-regular basis. Moreover, the BBC is also producing new animations to fill the gaps in the series’ history, the most recent being the First Doctor adventure ‘Galaxy 4‘ which is due out in 2021.

But if you don’t fancy making extra shelf space, then sit tight – Doctor Who is due to return to our screens very soon with Series 13.

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