Composer Murray Gold has confirmed that the long-awaited Doctor Who Series 10 soundtrack will eventually materialise.

So far, the Doctor Who Series 10 soundtrack is the only one from the modern series which has yet to appear. And nobody quite knows why. It is worth noting, though, that this particular season was the last one to be overseen by Steven Moffat and the last to feature Murray Gold as composer (until Series 14, anyway) so it may just be that it ‘fell through the cracks’ during the changeover of production team.
But fans of the Doctor Who Series 10 soundtrack can now take comfort in the words of the composer himself. The album will definitely be released… eventually. Here’s what he said in the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine…
“I don’t know what happened. Well, all those world events happened. But it is out there, somewhere.
“Look, it will come out. That’s an exclusive. The Series 10 album will see the light of day. By hook or by crook.”
It would certainly be good for the Doctor Who Series 10 tracks to get the airing they deserve, particularly as this was the last season to feature Peter Capaldi as the incumbent Doctor. Murray Gold had the privilege of underscoring his regeneration scene, which was a medley of the (unofficially titled) ‘I Hoped There’d be Stars,’ ‘The Shepherd’s Boy’ and ‘The Doctor’s Theme,’ or ‘Flavia’ if you prefer.
Plus, it would be good for Doctor Who fans to finally be able to plug the gap on their shelves, as all the subsequent Doctor Who soundtracks have been made available. Indeed, the 60th anniversary could be the perfect time to do it.
So, stay tuned for (hopefully) some good news soon. In the meantime, which is your favourite track from Doctor Who Series 10? Let me know in the comments below.
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