Every Whovian has a cupboard-full of Doctor Who merchandise somewhere. I’m sure of it. And if they haven’t yet, they soon will.
Fortunately, the Whoniverse provides a wealth of possibilities for Doctor Who merchandise collectors everywhere – and indeed has done since 1964, when the Dalek play suits and annuals first invaded Britain’s shops. And the latest publication from Candy Jar books –100 Objects of Dr Who by Philip Bates – takes a closer look at some of the stranger pieces of flotsam and jetsam that have fallen through the time vortex.
Inside, you can learn about such wonders as the infamous ‘Revenge of the Cybermen’ VHS, the sonic screwdriver, and the Doctor Who Sound Effects vinyl. But this book isn’t limited to Doctor Who merchandise alone. Bates explores a whole menagerie of objects from the Whoniverse, including the Seal of the High Council of Gallifrey, the Space-Time Visualiser, and the 1996 Series Bible.
As he explains…
And what a beaten track it is. There’s also a “really quite astonishingly heavy door” and a “framed piece of wall” awaiting you on your journey through 100 Objects. But readers needn’t worry if they’re fairly new to the good Doctor’s adventures. This book is designed for fans of all mileage, so there really should be something for everybody. And it’s all bundled up in a beautiful cover design by Martin Baines, who lovingly emulates the feeling of a classic 70s comic. “I’ve always loved Doctor Who Weekly,” he notes, “and it was great to pay homage to this as well.”
So, as the blurb so boldly asks: “All of time and space, everything that ever happened or ever will: where do you want to start?”
100 Objects of Dr Who is available to order from Candy Jar Books for £9.99. Get yours here.
TARDIS laptop bag – the next addition to 100 Objects of Dr Who?! Order now from the Lovarzi shop!
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