Hop on board the SS Shawcraft in this free PDF from Candy Jar Books, written by Philip Bates.

10 Objects of Doctor Who is a 43 page freebie written to coincide with the release of 100 Objects of Doctor Who in April. This introductory PDF – written by Philip Bates – takes the reader on a tour of a fictitious museum which is home to some of the most fascinating artefacts from the Doctor Who universe. And it’s currently available for free over at The Doctor Who Companion, so be sure to go grab it.
But what can you expect to see on this bespoke museum tour? It’s certainly an interesting collection; Bates shows the reader a St John’s ambulance sign, Asteroid 3325, a Cyberman head, dinosaur fossils, The Shadow from ‘Enlightenment,’ Time Lord court, a robot cleaner which stalked the halls of Paradise Towers, the chalice from ‘The Night of the Doctor,’ a Spoonhead, and a matchbox. Even Henry van Statten would be jealous.

“Like my piece in Candy Jar’s Brigadier: Declassified book, the reader is taken around a museum on the SS Shawcraft,” Philip Bates explains. “Along the way I introduce them to objects of interest from Doctor Who’s history. It was very difficult to choose 10 to sum up the book, but hopefully the reader will not be disappointed.
“Both 10 and 100 Objects feature the behind-the-scenes trivia you would expect. I also go off the beaten track, jumping backwards and forwards in Who history.”
Shaun Russell, the head of publishing at Candy Jar Books, adds: “100 Objects is a fascinating adventure through Doctor Who history and, in some ways, intriguingly reads like a ‘make your own adventure’ book. It is also a fantastic cover and wonderful internal illustrations by Martin Baines. In my opinion the book is wildly original, and I’m sure all Doctor Who fans will absolutely love it.”
But what else has Philip Bates included on the SS Shawcraft? Well, you’ll have to read 100 Objects of Doctor Who for the complete list, but according to Candy Jar you can expect to see the Space-Time Visualiser, the sonic screwdriver, a talking cabbage, the ‘Revenge of the Cybermen‘ VHS, River Song’s diary, the BBC Sound Effects No. 19: Doctor Who Sound Effects vinyl, the 1996 Series Bible, a Bubble Shock bottle, the Seal of the High Council of Gallifrey, and a mouldy old Slitheen. Someone’s got a hobby.

And there are a few more hints given in the official blurb. Apparently, 100 Objects of Doctor Who by Philip Bates will contain “a terrifying army of three Daleks! Death’s Head’s head! A really quite astonishingly heavy door! Dinosaur fossils! A framed piece of wall! And much, much more!”
It adds that 100 Objects is “perfect for fans, no matter your mileage – whether you’ve just started your journey through all of time and space, or have lived through the highs, the lows, the Wildernesses, the Androzanis, and the Twin Dilemmas.”
Personally I’m hoping that Philip Bates has also included ‘The Tenth Planet’ episode four as a bonus disc, although that might be asking for a bit much. (That said, he does have a Space-Time Visualiser, so anything’s possible…)
10 Objects of Doctor Who by Philip Bates is available for free on The Doctor Who Companion, and you can pre-order 100 Objects today from Candy Jar.
What kind of items are you hoping to see on the SS Shawcraft? And what is the most obscure piece of Doctor Who memorabilia you’ve ever encountered? Let me know in the comments below.

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